Sunday, November 04, 2007

Chocoholics, report!

le brownie "reservoir" fig. a: take-out version of le brownie "Réservoir"

The city's best chocolatier just got, well, chocolatey-er. Yes, Les Chocolats de Chloé now has brownies, and not just any brownies, but Carlin's brownies. Chloé has long been a fan of Reservoir, and it was never any mystery to us that she should be--we, too, have been known to sing their praises from time to time. What we didn't know was that a good part of Chloés magnetic attraction to Reservoir had to do with the chocolate brownies Carlin would make for dessert on occasion (we'd never had the good fortune to encounter them there, so we were none the wiser). Well, meetings were held, deals were hammered out, and now Carlin's brownies are available at Les Chocolats de Chloé, all done up with premium Valrhona chocolate and given Chloé's trademark design touch.

packaging, les brownies "reservoir" fig. b: yep, that's Carlin

Be forewarned, people: this is a serious brownie; a deep, chocolatey brownie studded with pecans that's not for the faint of heart; a brownie so chocolatey, so totally intense, it was able to thoroughly enchant the owner of a chocolate shop. A+.

Les Chocolats de Chloé, 375 Roy E., 849-5550

Reservoir, 9 Duluth E., 849-7779



  1. Where do you guys live? In Montreal it is saturday november 3rd. How can you already have writen something on sunday?

  2. hi h.w. brownjohns,
    are you familiar with the theory of relativity?

  3. Why does everyone use pecans or walnuts in brownies? Wy don't you ever hear of hazelnut brownies?

    Cook hard,
    Articles of Mastication

  4. Hi John, I have heard of hazelnut brownies, and eaten them, too. They are delicious if you love hazelnuts, but pecans are more of an American nut, as are walnuts, hence their ubiquity in brownies.
    Let me know if you do bake up a batch.

  5. hi John,
    I should add: we were just looking at an awfully tempting recipe for hazelnut brownies in Saveur Cooks Authentic American the other day. Not sure where Michelle had her hazelnut brownies, but I've never had the pleasure. If we try 'em and we like 'em (the Saveur recipe or any other), we'll definitely post something about them. That said, I really have no limit when it comes to pecan-based and pecan-adorned desserts.
