Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New and improved!, 2nd rev. ed.

AEB R&D fig. a: AEB R&D: "We try harder!"

Dear readers:

In an effort to live up to our motto ("Onward, ho!"), AEB's R & D division has recently introduced a few new features to our sidebar:

1. a short list for first-time visitors to Montreal, all those who felt like they got fleeced the last time they visited, and/or those who'd just like to know what our top picks from our "one and only Montreal Food Guide" are
2. "From the Desk of AEB": a section documenting our food-related contributions to other publications
3. "An endless adventure": a travel section with links to AEB pieces on New York, the Bay Area, Vermont, France, etc.
4. "More advertisements for ourselves": a section that lists the many, many places where you can find Švestka preserves
5. "An endless passion": a list of recommended titles from the AEB library
6. "An online banquet": a list of recommended blogs and other websites having to do with food

This just in: the R & D division has also initiated the use of a new tag inside the pages of our ever-growing Montreal Food Guide--in addition to your old favorites, "NEW!" and "UPDATED!", you'll now find the handy "DEMOTED!" tag. Now, in addition to checking out who's HOT, you also keep tabs on who's NOT.

Happy reading,
The management


  1. Yes!!! Finally! An easy-to-navigate sidebar to better sort through the myriad of recommended pit stops. It will make next week's trip to San Francisco that much more enjoyable.


  2. I love it! (Although my feed doesn't because it just keeps on telling me that "The List" is your newest entry because you update it so much!) I've only gone to two places on the shortlist and I've lived here for almost three years! (And not even the individual shops you listed under Jean-Talon, so 1?) I better get cracking!
