Saturday, October 01, 2005

Total sell-out!

I mean that in the best sense possible.

Michelle showed up at the Puces Pop festival this morning with close to 50 jars, and by 5:30 PM I sold the very last jar we had. We sold out completely and Puces Pop was still 1 1/2 hours from shutting its doors for the day (!). Needless to say, we were pleasantly surprised (not quite to the point of paraphrasing Sally Field's infamous, "You like me. You really like me," but close). And we had a great time, too. I'd never seen the Fusiliers Mont-Royal armory building hall look so appealing and so alive (I'd been there for a couple of record fairs in the past), there was a nice vibe to the day's events (including live music, DJs, and a full-on fashion show), and we met a lot of really nice people. Hats off to Sarah and everyone else who took part in the organization.

Anyway, we're back in production so that we can show up tomorrow, give away some more free samples, and meet some more people. I'm not sure exactly what we'll have on offer from our "švestka" line of preserves, but if you're planning to come on out and pay us a visit you might find oignons confits, pear-vanilla-bourbon butter (definitely one of today's super-hits), and l'Autrichienne, which is an apple, walnut, and raisin preserve that was originally devised for the Archduchess Maria Theresa in order to console her after the humiliations of the War of the Austrian Succession, and that has been a closely guarded secret handed down from generation to generation within a very small Prague-based circle for some 200+ years, that we would now like to offer to you.

Thanks again to everyone who came out to visit us today, and any of you who might be planning on stopping by Puces Pop tomorrow, we look forward to meeting you, too.

For more information on Puces Pop, check here.


Note: We'll be manning our booth from noon on today--aj

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