Thursday, September 12, 2013

Win-win-win, rev. ed.

2 burlington farmers' market LO fig. a:  Burlington Farmers' Market

The Green Mountain State's Green Revolution continues to flourish, and it's transformed our diminutive neighbour to the south into a leader when it comes to small farming, organic agriculture, and sustainable land management.  This has resulted in a teeming farmers' market scene, a thriving network of cooperative grocery stores spilling over with local organics, and a vibrant (and talented!) farm-to-table dining scene.  Everyone's a winner:  farmers, chefs, and food lovers.

You can read all about it in my latest contribution to the Montreal Gazette.

farm-to-table VT fig. b:  print edition

Want to check things out for yourself, live and in-person?  The article comes with a concise guide to farm-to-table Vermont, plus write-ups about some of our favourite new dining spots in Vermont's Champlain Valley,

3 misery loves company LO fig. c:  roast beef sandwich, Misery Loves Company

like Winooski's Misery Loves Company,

vergennes laundry plum pop LO fig. d:  roasted plum pop, Vergennes Laundry

Vergennes' Vergennes Laundry, and Burlington's Pistou, all of which are doing particularly delicious things with that farm-to-table ethos.

We've expressed this numerous times before, but it bears repeating:  welovermont!

Check it out!

And if you like that article, you might want to check out this oldie-but-goodie, too.



  1. Anthony!
    I'm just back from a month of WWOOFing in Vermont, in Shrewsbury, near Rutland. I surely have some good co-ops, farmer's markets and restaurants to share with you next time we meet.

    I completely agree with you: Vermont relationship with food is so healthy, lively and simple !

    Win, win, win, for sure.

  2. Nice to hear from you! I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences--à bientôt!

  3. What a coincidence. On Saturday, after being in Maine and Vermont for 2 weeks, we were hurrying to catch the 1:45 ferry across Lake Champlain (and thence to Ottawa). It was torture driving by the farmers market and not being able to stop!
    Earlier we'd snagged two of Red Hen's Cyrus Pringle loaf, though, freshly delivered to the Hunger Mountain Co-op.
