Monday, July 15, 2013

Tastes of Summer 1: AEB Superdawg Redux

We'll take AEB Superdawgs pretty much any way we can get 'em.  But, let's face it, they're particularly good on a real hot dog bun, and if you happen to be passing through the Mid-Atlantic region sometime soon, you might want to keep your eyes open Martin's hot dog-style potato rolls.  They're easy to spot--they come in those distinctive neo-Fraktur Pennsylvania Dutch-style bags.

martins' rolls fig. a:  De Stijl

We swear by their classic potato rolls for hamburgers and chopped pork sandwiches, but their hot dog rolls are pretty choice, too.  I mean, just look at those dawgs!

all-dressed hot dogs fig. b:  double dawgged

Hebrew National kosher all-beef franks
finely chopped yellow onion (buried)
chopped cherry tomatoes
finely chopped half-sour pickles
pickled corn
Keen's hot mustard
Hellmann's mayonnaise
celery salt
Total prep time:  about 10-15 minutes.

Summer is officially officially here (just feel that heat and humidity).  Make the most of it.  Keep things simple, but, for the love of Dawg, keep 'em tasty.


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