Sunday, December 30, 2012

Olney Love Can Break Your Heart

2012 was also Foodlab's first year of existence, and, oh, what a year it was.  Sure, it was wild & wooly at times, but mostly it was a year of lovely, often adventurous menus, stellar events, a truly incredible summer that seemed to want to live up to Foodlab's seasonal theme ("Club Med"), loads of positive feedback, some well-deserved acclaim, and lots and lots of ping pong.

Like I said, Foodlab was the site of a number of fantastic events over the course of the year (a Greek kebab night, on a hot August night, that was amply lubricated with ouzo comes to mind), but my favourite was definitely Michelle & Seth's hommage à Richard Olney.  From the thoughtful Provençal menu, to the fine Bandol wines (courtesy of Theo Diamantis and the Oenopole crew), to the convivial ambiance, and the lively and appreciative crowd, this was a truly memorable night, a heartbreakingly beautiful night, one that Montreal desperately needed, and one that, I'm sure, made dear Richard very proud indeed.

dear Richard

Michelle & Seth put the finishing touches on the chalkboard.

duo theo

Theo's pride & joy.

menu apple

The night's menu.




Game terrine with red-wine-soaked prunes.

stuffed squid

Stuffed and braised squid.

mushrooms, lamb

Marinated & grilled mushrooms.  Stuffed lamb shoulder with jus and white purée.


Michelle's Salade Olney.


Red-wine-poached pear.


Honey & apple tartlet.

Here's to many more amazing Foodlab events, and let's hope the hommage à Richard Olney becomes an annual event!


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