Saturday, September 17, 2011

Extra! Extra!!

P1020171 fig. a: pie by Parker Pie

We've waxed poetic about the joys of pizza in Vermont on more than one occasion, but if you pick up today's Montreal Gazette, you'll find a new, more comprehensive article on Green Mountain pizza, featuring three of our very favorite establishments:

summer dining, American Flatbread fig. b: al fresco, American Flatbread

American Flatbread fig. c: decor, American Flatbread

American Flatbread (of course), Parker Pie Co., and Pizza on Earth.

pizza by Pizza on Earth fig. d: pizza by Pizza on Earth

  • If you prefer the ease and convenience of the online edition, you can find that version of the article (alas, with fewer photographs) here.



  1. I happened to be one who read The Montreal Gazette and then said to myself 'self, I swear I have heard this name because I am sure he writes a blog I read.'

    Great article.

  2. Speaking of Vermont, did you hear about the flooding? Jericho Settlers' Farm (you've mentioned they're a favorite) had some losses, as did American Flatbread/Lareau Farm, and many others, including The Alchemist who I've been surprised you haven't mentioned. Perhaps you're not beer fans?

  3. Hi, Natalie,
    I'm glad you made the connection

    thanks for the feedback

    Hi, Anonymous,

    Yeah, I've been following the flood damage--parts of Vermont really got hit hard, sadly

    The article was written weeks before the hurricane/floods

    We're huge fans of The Alchemist and huge craft beer fans--if you search our archives, you'll find a few mentions of The Alchemist, including this one:

    thanks for writing

  4. I can't believe I missed that post. In case you have not heard, The Alchemist now has a cannery just up the road from the currently-closed-due-to-flooding pub. Stop by for some pint cans of Heady Topper next time you're in town, and be sure to wave at my house as you ascend Camel's Hump Road, also currently-closed-due-to-flooding, towards the trailhead.
    Anonymous (aka Jodi)

  5. Hi, Jodi (much better than "Anonymous"),
    That's a great tip. Hadn't heard of the cannery. We'll have to make a point of visiting sometime soon. We're overdue for a visit anyway.

    What's the situation on the Camel's Hump Road? How long will it take before it's open again?

    take care,

  6. AK,
    Not sure when Camel's Hump Road on the Duxbury side will reopen for hikers, apparently not this year. Camel's Hump Road on the Huntington side is apparently open. Check the Green Mountain Club website for updates:
    And here's a map to the new cannery:


  7. thanks for all of your writing and recommendations... we've spent a lot of time in vermont over the years (the alchemist was our favorite vermont brew pub)... we just from a trip to parker pie with some friends and i wanted to thank you! they live about an hour away near montpelier and had never been. parker pie is seriously good pizza. sadly the alchemist is not going to reopen their brew pub but we visited the cannery and brought some heady topper back to montreal.

  8. Update: Sad but true, The Alchemist Pub will not reopen, but there is a replacement there now, opened less than 2 weeks ago. Called "The Prohibition Pig". Heady Topper and lots of other great beers on tap, good bottle list, Eastern North Carolina BBQ-inspired food menu (though I haven't tried enough to comment), much of the same great staff. "You can't go home again" but goddamnit we're gonna try!

    (And Camel's Hump Rd is open again.)
