Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Just in time for Canada Day...

...the good people at have seen fit to name " endless banquet" one of their Top Ten Canadian Food Blogs.

We're honoured to have been selected and pleased to hear that we've been able to provide "desk-bound dreamers" with food for thought.

SweetHome's list includes food blogs "from coast to coast (and from Google to Bing)," so be sure to check out the fine company we keep--you'll be treated to a culinary tour of Canada in the process. Write-ups on all ten featured blogs (plus links) can be found in this attractive gallery.



  1. Congrats on that. Always love reading the blog and knowing what you two are up to. Great work.

  2. I second the congratulations! I think of your site as more than only about food. Your interests and travels and good writing (as well as the food) keep me checking in.

  3. cheers, TVD,
    nice to hear from you

    thanks, Andrea,
    we're glad you keep checking in
