Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Zurück!, rev. ed.

kaffeklatsch 2 fig. a: Kaffeeklatsch 2

That's right. Kaffeeklatsch is back.

You'll find all your favorite Central and Eastern European pastries (Apple strudel! Linzer cookies!), a few new treats (Dobos torte! Chestnut truffles!), phenomenal filtered coffee by Anthony Benda and the rest of our friends at Café Myriade, and the Old World charm of Laloux in the afternoon.

café central detail fig. b: kaffeekultur

All you've got to do is bring your sweet selves and some peppery anecdotes and we're off! (No top hats or petticoats required).

Still not 100% clear on the concept? Check out this recent write-up in the Montreal Gazette.

Want to see what Kaffeeklatsch 1 looked like? You can find AEB's post-klatsch coverage here.

Got the picture?

Kaffeeklatsch 2
pastries: Team Laloux
coffees: Team Myriade
sounds: DJ Der Kommisar
time:  Sunday, April 17, 2:00 - 5:00 PM
place:  Laloux, 250 ave. des Pins E.

Kaffeeklatsch: putting the Vienne back in Viennoiseries...

See you there!


p.s. I think it's safe to say that Kaffeeklatsch 1 generated a fair bit of enthusiasm. 150 people showed up to partake in the festivities. Articles were written. And Michelle received lots of positive feedback. You never know with these things, but, this time, it seemed like she'd really struck a nerve. In fact, just today, she even received some fan mail. The real deal--the kind that actually comes through the mail (!).

kaffeeklatsch kard fig. c: kaffeeklatsch kard

The card (and accompanying letter) was written in the most elegant script (unmistakably Central European), and it spoke of childhood in Vienna and fond memories of time spent in pastry shops, of Kaisergugelhupf, Vienna Gugelhupf, Punschtorte, Haselnußtorte, Zimtsterne, Erdbeer-Topfenknödel, and numerous other Viennese specialties.

Michelle was already "majorly psyched" about this week's kaffeeklatsch. When she came home with that card, she was walking on air.

Come see what all the commotion is about.


  1. nice neu reference :)

  2. Yes to Neu! references!
    Yes to Kaffeeklatsch!

  3. Better make sure to have lots: I suspect a crush of people will want to sample those goodies!

    And I'll be among them!

  4. Szef,
    Just say yes!

    we'll be ready

    see you there!

  5. I'm currently taking a class in photojournalism.

    I wonder if it would be okay if I came with my camera and took photos during the event as a photo essay (even whilst partaking in the promised deliciousness!). But I'd like to secure permission first!

    I would be more than happy to share my photos with you.

  6. Photos are welcome, as long as you respect the other guests and stay low-key about it. I would love to see the end result!

  7. Hi, Snowpea,
    Sure, that would be fine--just as long as you don't get in the way of the service staff, and you don't annoy other patrons. We can't really control today's snap-happy digital culture (and, god knows, we contribute to it), but we'd rather that people come out to kaffeeklatsch for the good, old-fashioned pleasures of eating some nice pastries, drinking some nice coffee, people-watching, listening to music, and having stimulating/entertaining/engaging conversations. You know what I mean?

    So, yes, by all means, come on down and shoot some photographs, but do it in true photojournalistic fashion (unobtrusively), and remember to enjoy your coffee and pastries and have a good time!

  8. oops, sorry about tag-teaming you, Snowpea

    we were on different computers, in different locations, responding to your question/comment at more or less exactly the same time

    two solitudes...

  9. Hi, no problem, and thank you for agreeing. I'll make myself as disreet as possible. And I'm more interested in tasting those pastries than shooting them anyway. :)
