Monday, December 15, 2008

Menu for Hope 5, rev. ed.

menu for hope 5

In honor of Menu for Hope's fifth anniversary, as well as the 2008 release of Au Pied de Cochon: The Album in paperback (the original hardback edition was published in 2006 to celebrate Au Pied de Cochon's fifth anniversary), " endless banquet" would like to present its DIY Sugar Shack Special for this year's Menu for Hope.

PDC sugar shack fig. a: PDC Sugar Shack

Of course, sugaring off season is still a few months off, but this do-it-yourself sugar shack kit will allow you to brave the winter of 2009 with plenty of genuine Québécois joie de vivre wherever you live, from Kitchener to Kathmandu.

Au Pied de Cochon:  The Album (Paperback Edition) fig. b: The Album

You'll get one copy of Martin Picard & Co.'s indie cookbook sensation, Au Pied de Cochon: The Album (now published in paperback by the venerable firm of Douglas & McIntyre), plus all the basics to throw your own DIY Sugar Shack Party. It's fun, it's heart-warming, it's seasonal, and it'll stick to your bones!

the greatest fig. c: find out why they call him The Greatest

What exactly is in AEB's DIY Sugar Shack Special? Well, here's an itemized list of the contents:

1 x copy Au Pied de Cochon: The Album, paperback edition ($40 CAN)

1 x can real Quebec maple syrup ($7)

1 x jar AEB ketchup aux fruits ($6)

1 x maple candy lollipop ($1)

1 x Sugar Shack/Shock Party mix CD, by DJ Oreilles de Crisse (priceless)

estimated retail value: you do the math.

AND we will ship anywhere in the world.

Interested? The prize code for our DIY Sugar Shack Special is: CA03

Remember, it only costs $10 to enter the draw, and all proceeds go to the UN World Food Programme.

Want to see all the other Canadian prizes? Visit Meena at Hooked on Heat.

Want to see the complete list of Menu for Hope prize packs from around the world? Not familiar with Menu for Hope and how it works? See Chez Pim for all the details.

Once you've selected the prize or prizes you want to bid on, just go to the First Giving's webpage and it's easy as 1-2-3.

Still don't get it? Here are the official donation Instructions:

1. Choose a prize or prizes of your choice from our Menu for Hope at Chez Pim.

2. Go to the donation site at and make a donation.

3. Each $10 you donate will give you one raffle ticket toward a prize of your choice. Please specify which prize you'd like in the 'Personal Message' section in the donation form when confirming your donation. You must write-in how many tickets per prize, and please use the prize code.

For example, a donation of $50 can be 2 tickets for EU01 and 3 tickets for EU02. Please write 2xEU01, 3xEU02

4. If your company matches your charity donation, please check the box and fill in the information so we could claim the corporate match.

5. Please allow us to see your email address so that we could contact you in case you win. Your email address will not be shared with anyone.

Happy holidays and give giving a chance.


ps--Additional bonus: Sure, you get a back cover blurb by my namesake, Anthony Bourdain, but you also get one by Yours Truly, from my 2006 Gourmet Magazine (online edition) review. Check it out!

PDC back cover blurbs fig. d: PDC: The Album back cover blurbs


  1. Yes, simple but good food is my idea too, for both everyday meals and more festive meals. I devoted much of my recently published book (Nov/08) to this idea. Kitchen references, tables, chart, all to help a home cook become a more efficient, better cook, plus recipes for simple though excellent dishes.

    Tried and True Recipes from a Caterer’s Kitchen—Secrets of Making Great Foods

    Check it out!

  2. Thank you, on behalf of the children who will receive this gift. Merry Christmas to you, and a happy 2009.

  3. Till recently I didn't know what Menu for Hope is. Now I know this and salute the idea cordially. As per my knowledge goes, in 2007, Menu for Hope raised nearly $100K to help the UN World Food Program feed the hungry.
