Thursday, August 16, 2007

One more corn recipe

It's a good one, too. Excellent, actually. Very delicate. And very simple, too. The trick is the sieve. It's the sieve step that transforms a simple corn soup into something ethereal. The roasted poblanos are a brilliant touch, too. Poblanos aren't the easiest things to find in Montreal, but there are lovely ones at Birri at Jean-Talon Market right now. Perfect for roasting or stuffing.

Corn Soup With Roasted Poblanos

6 ears of sweet corn (the fresher the better)
4 tbsp sweet butter
salt and pepper to taste
3 cups spring water
1/2 cup cream
2 roasted poblano chiles, peeled and minced

With a sharp knife, remove all the corn kernels from the cobs. Melt 4 tablespoons butter in a heavy-bottomed pot and add the corn, salt, and finely and freshly ground pepper. Toss the corn in the butter over medium heat. After a few minutes, add the spring water and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally so that the corn does not stick to the bottom. After 15 minutes, remove from the heat and cool slightly; pour in a blender and blend until smooth. Press through a medium-fine sieve to smooth the coarse texture. Add the cream, correct the seasoning, heat until just hot, and garnish with minced poblano chiles.

Serves 6.

[recipe from Alice Waters, Chez Panisse Menu Cookbook (1982), which is worth having just for the long list of menus with accompanying descriptions that comes at the end of the book. Pay whatever it takes to get your hands on this book, the accounts of the various occasions, guests and guest of honor, and ensuing hijinks are priceless.]



  1. In a pinch, I've had good luck with poblanos at Provigo.

  2. Hi Kevin,
    Good to know. We have a Provigo just a couple of blocks away which we only use in a pinch anyway. Try those poblanos at the market, though, if you get a chance. They're really very good. Their jalapeños have real flavor and real heat, too.
