Friday, October 13, 2006

Straight outta Kamouraska

The incomparable Patrice Fortier--who we've written about on a few occasions over the past couple of years--will be back in town this Saturday, October 14, selling produce, herbs, and canned goods from his legendary Kamouraska farm/garden/orchard, La Société des Plantes. He'll be in the parking lot at 5550 Casgrain from 11am to 4pm. I know, it doesn't sound very romantic, but his prices are very good and he always has the most extraordinary stuff in tow. Everything is organic and heirloom and some of his varieties are unique in North America (!).

According to Patrice, highlights this time around will include:
pommes de terre 'German Finger', confitures de petites prunes, cardons, chou-palmier de Toscane (kale noir), choux de Savoie, poireaux, céleri aromatique, mini-fenouils, chicorée à feuille de pissenlit, topinambours, raifort, sarriette séchée, tomatillos, feuilles de mauve crépue, mini-betteraves 'Golden', ficoïde glaciale, fleurs de pois-asperge.

For more on past encounters with Patrice, including guerrilla streetside sales (like the one planned for tomorrow), a bike shop sale, and even an impromptu home delivery, check out the following:

November 2004
October 2005
November 2005



  1. It's times like this I wish I still lived in Montreal. I'd love to pick up some cardoons and sunchokes!

  2. Hi Matthew,
    We're looking forward to the cardoons too. What part of NB are you in? You know, you're probably closer to Kamouraska than we are. Just a thought.

  3. I'm right on the border with Nova Scotia. It takes about 5 hours by car to get from here to the NB-QC border. So while that may be *technically* closer, it's still a little too far.

    Maybe you could Canadian Blogging by Post me some topinambours? *grin*

  4. Hi Matthew,
    Hmm, 5 hours... No, that simply won't do. Worth a visit, though, if you're ever in the neighborhood.

    Topinambours? Let's see...
