Thursday, October 05, 2006

Pop Tips

This is just a friendly reminder (yes, more shameless self-promotion) that " endless banquet" together with Švestka Preserves Inc. will be manning a booth at this week's Puces Pop arts, crafts, and science (?) fair. Puces Pop will be taking place over the course of two days, this Saturday and Sunday, October 7th and 8th, at the Canadian Grenadier Guards Armory, 4171 Esplanade (corner of Rachel), directly facing Parc Jeanne-Mance. Our booth, however, will only be in effect (as they say) on Sunday, October 8th, from noon till 7:00 p.m. (or while supplies last).

Now, what can you expect to find? Literally dozens of different preserves of all sorts, from our legendary oignons confits, which brought tears of joy to many at last year's event, to a whole host of never before seen varieties, such as:

preparing crab apples fig. a: Michelle prepares her crab apples

crab apple jelly fig. b: and this is how her crab apple jelly turned out*

crab apple jelly


36 lbs of grapes fig. c: 18 lbs. of muscat and pinot noir grapes

muscat honey fig. d: muscat honey = muscat love

muscat honey

What exactly is muscat honey? Well, somehow Michelle managed to turn 9 lbs. of muscat grapes into the most other-worldly nectar. She named this ambrosia "muscat honey," and it'll be available to you, friends, on Sunday.

Now, one last bit of information: this Saturday, as part of Film Pop, "where movies and music make out in the dark," there'll be a screening that might be of interest to some of you out there. Those of you who've been reading us for a while might remember a couple of posts from earlier this year that had to do with the late Simcha Leibovich and his legendary grocery store.

Simcha's pickles fig. e: Simcha's pickles

The second of these posts centered on a barrel of pickles that had been "liberated" from Simcha's during the shooting of a film there, and this barrel's strange demise. Well, that film, Posthumous Pickle Party, gets its premiere Saturday night at Film Pop, and its maker, Ezra Soiferman, will be hosting a bill + Q & A that includes "The Birth Of The Smoked Meat" by Jeannette Pope and Zoe Mapp (a film that sounds like another bit of essential viewing for all of you modern noshers out there) and the intriguingly named "Montreal Stories, 1971" by Vanya Rose. Check it!

For more information:


* Note: absolutely no Photoshop-type manipulation was used in the production of this digital photograph


  1. Hi! :D I've been visiting your blog for quite a while now... I really wish I could get some of your preserves, but too bad I prolly can't go on sunday... Anyway, hope you guys will have great sales!

  2. Looking forward to trying the fig preserves we bought at Puces. Your blog is excellent, but I suspect the preserves are even better. Keep up the good work.

  3. is there no muscat honey recipe forthcoming? i was out of town this weekend! :(

  4. Thanks for reading/commenting, everyone

    Chokorate, we did have great sales (more on this later). You must have been our good luck charm.

    Wonka, hope you enjoyed the fig preserves. The figs were outrageous this year, so we were pretty happy with how they turned out. Very happy, actually.

    And Molly, patience, my dear, patience. Developing/finalizing a recipe takes time (and it might take especially long to develop/divulge this recipe because the results were so unbelievable), however I promise that I'll lean on Michelle to be a bit more giving with her preserves recipes in the near future (after all, Xmas is only 2.5 months away). Oh, and there'll be other preserves sales in the next couple of months.
