Monday, November 28, 2005

3 - 0

Mmm!! by Ivan
Originally uploaded by michelle1975.

Since we've been asked...

Many of you already know this, but our little sale at Expozine on Saturday went very well indeed. We can't be accused of having totally sold out this time around, but we came close. We showed up with just a shade over 100 jars of fine Švestka preserves, and when all was said and done we returned back home with one jar. So thank you to all of you who came out, said 'hello,' sampled our wares, and purchased a jar or two (or three, or four...). We had a wonderful time, and it was a thrill to be a part of this latest incarnation of Expozine. It's phenomenal how much they've grown in such a short period of time, and it was thrilling to be side-by-side with so much top-notch independent publishing and print work. We didn't have the time to bring along some of our own print projects--we were too busy whipping up batches of jam this time around, but if we get asked to take part in next year's show, LOOK OUT!--but we were lucky enough to have to our advertising genius, Ivan "I blow minds for a living" Marek-Cabral, along for the ride. Not only did Ivan unleash his formidable powers of persuasion on the assembled masses, but he also managed to sell and sign literally dozens of his original drawings simultaneously. It was nothing less than a command performance.

There's a pretty good chance we'll be doing another show (or two) in the upcoming weeks if you missed us on Saturday or need a refill. As always, we'll keep you up to date of any and all plans right here in these very, er, pages.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, but there is hope of securing some carrot-cardamom preserve. I am making a batch for a special order...Do you want me to reserve one for you?
