Friday, June 17, 2005

Best in Show

homemade dog biscuits
Originally uploaded by michelle1975.

The annual Montreal Dog Show is taking place tonight in the tiny park at the corner of Rachel and St. Laurent. I ran into Seth last week, who is emcee-ing the event, and told him I would make some biscuits for it. True to my word, I baked up a batch yesterday and wrapped them up in a pink Chinese takeout container. Anthony is currently concerned for my mental health.

I based the recipe on one from (Here is where people around me exchange knowing looks.)
I thought an anti-flea biscuit was a good idea: full of brewer's yeast, garlic, and ginger to make the fleas think twice. I used chicken broth for flavour, beet juice for colour and corn meal for texture.

No dog has actually tried these yet, but I tested one to make sure they were okay. If I was a dog, I would love them. As a human, I found them a bit bland. I will let you know what Gino thinks when I hear back from him. (Gino=my mom's chihuahua.) I just hope the rain stops in time for the dog show....


all packaged up
Originally uploaded by michelle1975.

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